Thursday, 17 May 2007


I take orders for specialy made Chicken houses, most sizes catered for, from small 2/4 birds upto large 20/30 bird sheds, where possble i used reclaimed timber, and all houses are screwed together NOT nailed ( i did buy a nail gun but it scared the life out of me LOL )..
Please feel free to contact me about your needs.
a small deposit will be needed before work commences
Cages and run can also be constructed

Mail me at

some more of my houses

Helpful People

If you have any chicken related questions, or need advise, go and ask these people, they are a very friendly bunch, and some are very experienced poultry keepers, also its a good site for a chat and to get to know new chicken friends,, beware it is adictive !!!!!

I made these