Friday, 2 November 2007

PHEW !!!! broke out in a sweat

Its been one heck of a week, thanks you all that have ordered houses and runs, i have lost another 5 pounds in weight.... LOL.... ok yes i did need to loose some :p

i have a cockerel thats now turn out to be hen, she is not very well, when i first noticed, on inspection she had mites, so she has been well dusted and pampered, Deb's the Mill house manager has named her " Hazel " cus of her eyes, lol I am a bloke so i don't notice these things...
I have had her loose in the workshop, she seems to like pecking around, treated her to a sticky fruit bun yesterday afternoon, and at night she has her own small house to sleep in, i really want her to live, as i have hatched her myself......

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